




It is the purpose of this policy to provide a definition of sexual harassment, outline the scope of prohibited behaviors under the law of sexual harassment, provide guidance on how to proceed in allegations of sexual harassment and provide notice of the 可能的 任何成员被发现性骚扰的后果 大学社区,不包括学生. 

While students are jurisdictionally subject to the 学生行为准则 for allegations of sexual harassment and other allegations of misconduct, students may nevertheless seek guidance from the 大学’s administration in filing a complaint of sexual harassment 对本校任何雇员或其他成员的指控,此时 此处列出的政策将适用.

本政策须定期审查和修订,并依照相应的 性骚扰法律的变化.


性骚扰是非法的. 这是一种性别歧视,违反了联邦法律, 州和地方法律. 这是违法的,也违反了学校的政策 任何人不得性骚扰任何其他成员或任何其他成员 of the public, with whom that individual comes into contact while in 服务 to the 大学. Any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment could be subject to disciplinary 行动,直至并包括终止雇佣关系.


  1. 一种是 “交换条件”骚扰 当不受欢迎的性侵犯、性要求和其他要求时,会发生什么 verbal or physical conduct 性的 are tied to employment or academic progress 通常有两种方式:
      • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition 个人的工作或学术经历;
      • Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions, including hiring, firing, promotions, compensations, etc., 影响那个人.
  2. 另一类性骚扰发生在 “恶劣的工作环境” 是这种骚扰的结果吗.

A hostile work environment results when the unwelcome sexual conduct has the purpose 或不合理地干扰个人工作表现的影响 营造令人生畏、充满敌意、侮辱性或攻击性的工作环境.

Factors which could contribute to the creation of a hostile work environment created 因性骚扰而导致的包括但不限于以下情况:

  1. 讨论个别雇员的性活动和/或兴趣;
  2. Magazines, books, posters that display a person(s) in various stages of provocative 脱衣或挑逗的姿势;
  3. The sharing of sexually oriented materials using the 大学’s website and similarly 定位的电子邮件信息;
  4. Parties or other celebrations during work hours that feature cards, cakes or other 与性有关的物品;
  5. 猥亵的触摸、评论或斜眼看人身体的任何性部位.

 在学术背景下,交换条件和敌对的工作环境条件 also apply to any educational program or activity when submission to unwanted sexual advances is made a condition of success or failure in any educational program or activity, or when a hostile learning environment is created for participants in any educational program or activity who are either directly or indirectly subject to unwelcome conduct 性的.

请注意,在充满敌意的工作或学习环境中的受害者不会 necessarily have to be the one to whom the sexually offensive remarks or conduct are 专门指导. 它也可以是一个人的工作或学习能力已经 adversely affected by an intimidating or sexually hostile working or learning environment, 无论逻辑上的“受害者”是否也感到了骚扰

 这是学院的政策,双方同意的浪漫或性关系 between a faculty member and a student, or between two employees, are strictly prohibited in the event that one party to the relationship is in a position of authority or power 另一个.  这种被禁止的关系的例子包括: 但不限于,

  1. Relationships between a faculty member and a student presently in his or her class; 
  2. 教师俱乐部顾问与任何学生俱乐部成员之间的关系;
  3. 体育教练员与学生运动员的关系研究
  4. 主管与下属学生工的关系;
  5. Relationships between any two employees where one employee is in a supervisory position 地位或相对于他人的权威地位;
  6. 大学社团的两名成员之间的任何关系,其中一人属于 在他人的学术或专业地位之上的权威或权力地位 在学院.


蒙哥马利县社区学院鼓励学院社区的任何成员   to report any incidents of sexual harassment so that they may be dealt with promptly.  The 大学 wishes to also emphasize that it is unlawful for any member of the 大学 community to retaliate against any other member for filing a sexual harassment complaint, 或参与此类投诉的调查. 

It is not uncommon for organizations to be found liable in a retaliation claim while 仍然在潜在的性骚扰指控上占上风.

The 大学 expects that all complaints will be made in good faith and that all complaints will be taken seriously and kept in the strictest confidence to the greatest extent 可能的.  虽然预计一些投诉不会要求全面 如有调查,将尽快进行 the utmost discretion, and with support for the person bringing the complaint, the 个人调查投诉,同时保护个人的权利 被投诉的对象. 

A person who believes that he or she has experienced sexual harassment should feel 可以自由地将此事提请直接主管注意.   另外, the individual should feel free to bring the matter directly to the attention of the 临时第九章协调员,博士. Mikiba Morehead, TNG顾问 TitleIX协调员@wxzjnt.com


  1. 投诉者希望以非正式的方式解决问题,

Notice of the incident should nevertheless be given to the Interim Title IX 协调员 with a complete accounting of all pertinent information and the terms of the complaint’s 决议.   

  1. 投诉者希望问题得到正式解决, or
  2. the person against whom the complaint is brought denies the incident(s) or behavior(s)

The complaint should be forwarded directly to the Interim Title IX 协调员, who 届时会对此事展开正式调查吗.

At any time, any supervisor who feels uncomfortable or unable to handle a sexual harassment complaint should feel free to refer the complaint directly to the Interim Title IX 协调员.  如果投诉人不希望事件继续进行,主管 然而,部门主管应将下列情况通知第九章临时协调员 投诉的存在.

Under no circumstances should any supervisor decide, without prior consultation with the Interim Title IX 协调员 that a complaint, particularly a request for a formal 投诉程序,是毫无根据的.

任何时候,任何主管都知道不适当的性行为或性骚扰的谣言 行为,他或她应提请临时业权人注意此事 九、进一步调查协调员.

Any member of the 大学 community who is witness to, or personally aware of, any sexually harassing conduct or behavior on the part of any other member of this community 也应该随时将问题或事件直接提交给 请第九章临时协调员注意,以便进一步调查.

Any member of the 大学 community who brings a good faith complaint of sexual harassment 会不会受到报复,会不会受到报复行为的保护 任何其他知识渊博的人的一部分.


The 大学 has a commitment and an obligation to protect the rights of all parties to a sexual harassment complaint, to a process of rehabilitation through counseling 和训练,并以实践进步的纪律.  书院储备金 the right, however, to consider certain single incidents of harassment to be so egregious 如要立即上升到纪律后果较严重的级别,予以处分 to and including a long term suspension or termination of employment, or removal from 服务.